Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Things I'm Not Going to Write About Today

I'm not going to write a post today.

I'm not going to write about Mario Lemieux hanging up his skates; I kinda figured this was going to happen once he announced that he was gong to sell the team.

I'm not going to write about UPN and the WB merging to form the new network CRAP.

I'm not going to write about the impending confirmation of Samuel Alito; instead I'm going to plan my immigration to Canada.

I'm not going to write about my impending plan to immigrate to Canada, mostly because of yesterday's election and my change of plans.

I'm not going to talk about atlatl hunting, mostly because I'm already a certified atlatl enthusiast. I use them to hunt lawyers... well, corporate lawyers anyway.

I'm not going to talk about the donation of a bone field to UPitt.... I've seen their board of trustees, this is nothing new.

Meh. I'm done not talking.

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