Friday, June 23, 2006

Flotsam & Jetsam

I don't have enough concentration, time, or sobreity to put together full and complete thoughts. Instead, you get the detrius of my mind... or more to the point, detrius from the blogs to the right there that I've been perusing, unbeknownst to their authors:

Anti-Rust has a good post on emminent domain on the anniversary of the Kelo decision.

Chris Briem is acting like he owns the joint over at Pittsblog while Mike Madison is MIA. Although check out his other blog, which is data heavy, verbose, and everything a bureaucrat is looking for.

A week ago, Fester had a good post on the Casino delay. Although I'd argue that at this point the City of Pittsburgh is a short term winner in the delay as it doesn't have to deal with the social problems associated with casinos... yet.

I don't like to be overtly political, but this post is pretty good.

And I really like Sophie.

And I'm hoping that at some point I'm worthy of a link, or some sort of shout out here.

Alright, I'm done.

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