Wednesday, October 08, 2008

In re: Sections 1105(b)(6) of the Public Official and Employee Ethics Act, 65 Pa.C.S. 1105(b)(6)

Saw it first at Bob Mayo's site: Pat Ford cleared by State Ethic's panel. Long and short of it was that a $215 stereo given as a gift to Mr. Ford (and his wife) by a Lamar Executive, was under the $250 reporting limit required by the state.

Of course, Mr. Ford's lawyer sees this as an absolution of all of his client's sins:

Today we reach the same conclusion that should have been apparent from the outset, and point out that a purely political process was perpetrated under the guise of an ethics review. It is a shame that months of state resources were wasted in a failed attempt to destroy the reputation of Pat Ford with an obviously false ethics charge.
Except, Bob's transcript of the letter doesn't quite go so far to provide Pat with full absolution of all of his misdeeds:
Our review of this matter only relates to the above noted issue and does not constitute a determination as to any other course of conduct.
So, while this matter may be settled, it doesn't mean that Mr. Ford is a pinnacle of moral turpitude. Indeed, there are other items still floating around that remain unresolved and that many around these here parts would like some closure on:
*Perhaps the gift may have not risen to the legal standard necessary for a full inquiry, but certainly the irregular approval procedure by which the billboard that started this whole kerfuffle arose still remains in question;

*As recently as this week, there are questions about a political friend of Mr. Ford receiving favorable loan terms from the URA.

*Mr. Ford has said there was a culture of corruption around the Mayor's Office, an allegation that may or may not be under investigation by the U.S. Attorney.

*There were strained relations and traded accusations between Mr. Ford and the head of the Housing Authority. This matter has also not been resolved.

*Mr. Ford is bald. He has yet to explain the disappearance of his hair.

*Mr. Ford cannot explain why his name is an anagram of "Pro-dick fart" or even what a "Dick Fart" is.

*Mr. Ford cannot explain why he is in possession of a piece legendary airplane hijacker D.B. Cooper's parachute.

*Mr. Ford cannot explain his whereabouts on November 22, 1963.

*Mr. Ford has been unable to present an authentic birth certificate that proves that he is a Unite States Citizen.

*Mr. Ford refuses to explain why, on a recent visit to Iraq, he would not meet with wounded troops unless there were cameras present.

*Mr. Ford refuses to comment on his ties with the Illuminati and the late Colonel Sanders.

*Mr. Ford has yet to publicly confirm or deny that he no longer beats his wife.
I say that with these matters left unresolved and until he provides sufficient, acceptable answers to these outstanding issues, Pat Ford is still guilty of something.

And dammit all if we aren't going to figure out what that is...

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