Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Flotsam and Jetsam

Just some random junk that's been floating around in my absurdly sized cranium:

I saw Fareed Zakaria on The Daily Show the other day talking about the immigration debate and then I saw this commentary in the WaPo. The weird thing is that the commentary is pretty much exactly what he said on TDS, almost as if it had become a place to air a policy matter prior to release to the MSM. Weird.

Speaking of immigration reform: where'd that come from? It's like the powers that be were rummaging through their giant box of issues (abortion... terrorism... taxes... affirmative action...pocket change...lint...) and decided to pull out one that they hadn't used in awhile.

It seems that my only mission in life is to create paper and move it from one side of the desk to the other.

If you look at this article and this article, you'll see who's on what side on City Council.

It's interesting to see, from all the talk that's been going on about "revitalizing" downtown the move by Point Park University to expand their campus. It's also neat to see all the students that are in that section of the neighborhood during the middle of the day, mixing with business people, and bureaucrats.

OK, that's enough for now. I promise a more cognet, substantive post at some point in the near future.

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