And so it came to pass that all that was wrong was now right and those that deserved to were certain to live a long and happy life.
Or did it?
There have been mumblings that the Mayor's Office was playing a high stakes game of chicken, in which the real goal was to get PILOT commitments from the Universities and from certain larger non-profits (like Highmark), which they did. Of course, that would mean that someone in the Mayor's Office was being particularly clever and was at least five steps ahead of the opponents at all time.
But, we know that this can't be true because, ipso facto people that work in local government are not very smart. Believe me; I am, frankly, dumber than a bag of rocks... and I like to think of myself as one of the smart ones 'round these here parts, because I recognize that I am, frankly, dumber than a bag of rocks. Other folks *cough* gastheif *cough* are not as blessed.
I'll tell you what' telling though -- this picture of Lukey and Mark Nordenberg.
Notice the hand in the pocket (something that we've mentioned before). According to the Pop Up Video for Alanis Morisette's "One Hand In My Pocket" video, if someone always puts his hands in his pocket then this person might be lacking self confidence and so always feels uncomfortable around other people.
So, make of that what you will.
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Bureaucrat's Aside Re: Tuition Tax - The Deadening
Posted by
11:30 PM
Filed Under: Luke Ravenstahl, Pittsburgh Government, Taxes
His hand is in his pocket because he has to cover his bum whenever Yarone take his hand out of Luke's ... puppet hole.
Love the blog. Great stuff.
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