Dilbert creator Scott Adams once postulated that "There is nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot."
This is patently false; resourceful idiots are not necessarily the people in power, ergo:
Rule #34:
There is nothing more dangerous than an elected, resourceful idiot.
Of course, we're the ones who vote for these yutzes, so I suppose that in a sense, an idiotic electorate is just as dangerous.
It's somewhat unfortunate that you picked the number 34 for this rule...
There is already an internet-famous Rule 34...
Yes, that Rule 34 has already raped my childhood... so to speak.
Well said! That is the explanation for Bush getting elected twice and Revenstahl remaining in office until he retires.
From www.gabbonesso.com. You do the math.
Top News Story…
Thank GOD! Thank BeJesus! Lynn Freaking Cullen is back on the air! Hooray! Sadly, there are only four neighborhoods in the Pittsburgh area who will be able to receive the signal and actually hear her program, but I digress… Good for Lynn! I heard that she had to use some of her own money to pay for the air time. Granted, I heard that from Phineas (the shark) but he’s met Lynn. They hooked up in a bar bathroom once! I’m pretty confident that he’s right. I find it really amusing that the Gay Community is rejoicing Lynn’s return to the airwaves. You know? Mostly because Lynn doesn’t agree with Gay Marriage. True story. She said it. On stage. In Novemeber. In front of witnesses. Whatever… Why would gay people care about gay marriage? I’m also surprised because Lynn Cullen uses the word, “dyke” very loosely. She claims that it’s okay for her to do it because she’s “the original fag hag” (her words, not mine). So yeah. That’s fun. Oh, and the other reason I’m confused as to why the gay community cares so much about Lynn’s return to the airwaves is because Lynn Cullen NEVER had a regular gay correspondent (like some other Talk Show Hosts I know…), Lynn Cullen NEVER went out of her way to get someone hired to her station who was queer or queer-ish (like some other Talk Show Hosts I know…) and Lynn Cullen (in her own words) is furious when identified as being gay. “It’s dykes like you who make people think I’m lesbian!”(she said that to a colleague in front of several other colleagues backstage at a performance).
So… Well done Gay Community! You have an ally and advocate back on the air! Bravo!
Thank God for elected, dumb idiots. Speaking of that, how do we get Lenny Bodack back??
"Speaking of that, how do we get Lenny Bodack back??"
Patrick Dowd for Mayor!! That way everybody wins!
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